Wednesday, May 22, 2013

OSP News - Funding and More!: American Thoracic Society ...

The ATS Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the?American Thoracic Sociey, is accepting applications from early career investigators in recognition of outstanding and meritorious early careers.

One-year grants of $40,000 each will be awarded to up to seven domestic and international ATS members to be used for research projects relevant to ATS' mission of advancing science in pulmonary, sleep, or critical care medicine. Funds can go towards salary, research, or a combination of both.

The ATS Scientific Advisory Committee will assess the strength of each applicant through an evaluation of an A0 unfunded proposal submitted to the National Institutes of Health or an internationally equivalent federal funding body. The NIH (or equivalent) must have reviewed these proposals on or after June 2012 and assigned the proposal a highly competitive scientific score. The NIH (or equivalent) critique pages ("pink sheets") must be attached to the ATS Foundation application. The applicant's biosketch and letters of recommendation also will be considered in the ATS review process. The original proposal must be relevant to pulmonary, critical care, or sleep medicine, and should not have other extramural support.

To be eligible, applicants must have completed their primary research training (Ph.D. or subspecialty fellowship training) by July 1, 2013, and have a firm commitment from their home institution for a faculty position. Partnerships between junior and senior investigators are strongly encouraged, particularly for new investigators who are within one to five years of the completion of their research training. At least one of the key personnel must be an ATS member at the time of application, and the principal investigator must be an ATS member at the time that the grant is awarded.

See the ATS Web site for eligibility and application guidelines.

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