- March Madness and Spring Fever
As spring fever hits and productivity plummets due to March Madness, you can be on the winning team by staying focused when others aren?t. Here is our biggest carnival yet!
Portfolio Management
Tim at Faith and Finance give us ?5 Business Lessons Learned from Monopoly?. Monopoly is good family fun and all, but it?s also a crash course in business. Here are 5 business takeaways you can learn from the old game Monopoly.
Miranda at Investor Junkie presents ?7 Great Apps from Online Brokers?. If you have a mobile device, you can trade from wherever you are?as long as you have access to your online brokers.
Kurt Fischer at Money Counselor writes ?Retire Stock-Less? Blasphemy!?. The conventional wisdom has become that a secure retirement requires investing in stocks. But do small investors understand the risks of owning equities?
J.P. at Novel Investor submitted ?Beware: ETFs Should Come With a Warning Label?. The continued growth of ETFs isn?t going to stop anytime soon. Now anyone can be a trader for a day and the growing number of exotic and specialized ETFs just makes it easier. Therein lies the dilemma.
Darrow Kirkpatrick at Can I Retire Yet? Presents ?Is Rebalancing the Achilles Heel of Passive Investing?? Rebalancing ? periodically adjusting your asset allocation towards some predefined target ? may be the weak link in passive investing. ?
Risk Management
Roger Wohlner at Chicago Financial Planner submitted ?Risk, Reward, and Payton Manning?. Peyton Manning is a certain Hall of Famer and undoubtedly one of the true ?class acts? in the world of professional sports. The decision by the Colts to release him and the sweepstakes to sign him by a reported 12 NFL teams provides some great examples of assessing risk and reward that are applicable to investing as well.
Asset Allocation and Diversification
Dan at High Yield Edge gives us ?401(k) Annuities as a New Retirement Option?. The administration just loosened rules for new 401(k) annuity options for workers. Check out the rules, pros and cons, and how this may be used to supplement your retirement.
Specific Investment Ideas
Dividend Growth Investor submitted ?Dividend Achievers Additions for 2012?. The new additions to the Dividend Achievers Index were announced a few weeks ago by Mergent. Dividend achievers are US companies with at least ten consecutive years of increasing regular dividends.
Dan at ETF Base writes ?5 Lowest Cost ETFs on Earth?. Want to know what the 5 lowest cost ETFs on Earth are? Come check them out, since cost matters more than strategy when it comes to passive investing.
Roger at The Amateur Financier presents ?Funds Beat Actively Managed; Now What?? Commentary on how to invest in light of actively-managed mutual funds doing worse than index funds. (Hint: it?s usually best to stick with index funds.)
Investment Planning Strategies
Madison at My Dollar Plan gives us ?Unveiling The Retirement Myth: Book Review?.? The book Unveiling the Retirement Myth by Jim Otar does a great job on explaining the distribution stage, in detail, with actual numbers.
Boomer at Boomer and Echo submitted ?The Best Time To Start Saving Is Now?. This story demonstrates an important lesson in building wealth ? the sooner you start saving, the more you will accumulate.
Glen Craig at Free From Broke writes ?Grow your Nest Egg with Automatic Retirement Contributions?. A great way to grow your nest, or your retirement fund, is to set up automatic retirement contributions. See some ways that you do this to get on track to retiring. ?
Rob Bennett for Out of Your Rut presents ?It?s Because Investing Is So Important That We Get it So Wrong?. Video game players share their knowledge with each other. Stock investors do not. Why not? Because no one want to mess up when it comes to stock investing.
Bob at Christian Personal Finance gives us ?What is a Charitable Remainder Trust & Why Should You Care?? A Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) is an ?arrangement under which a donor receives income (for a fixed period or during a donor?s lifetime) from an asset donated to a qualified charitable organization. It is one of the ways you can give. Upon the termination of the trust, the asset reverts to the charitable organization.
Money Cone submitted ?Handling Royalty Trusts In Turbo Tax?. Handling Royalty Trusts can be challenging come tax time. If you use TurboTax to do your taxes, entering your Royalty Trust data can be a little confusing. In this HOW TO post, I?ll walk through the steps to handle Royalty Trusts.
My Money Design writes Would Dollar Cost Averaging Have Saved You From ?The Lost Decade?? The S&P 500 decreased by 23% during ?The Lost Decade?. Would the strategy of dollar cost averaging have saved your investment portfolio from being reduced by this much? Let?s crunch the numbers and find out for ourselves.
Darwin at Darwin?s Money presents ?Internal Rate of Return Equation Reviewed?. Here?s a primer on how to calculate the Internal Rate of Return in excel, which is a great tool that everyone should understand.
Miss T at Prairie Eco Thrifter submitted ?Financial Advisor or Discount Broker?? Should you hire a financial advisor or financial planner? Or maybe you know enough about stocks to pick your own and you are considering just going it alone and buy stocks with a discount broker instead? Let?s take a look at some of the pros and cons of each decision.
Thomas Jensen at Penge Snak! submitted ?Dividend Investing 101: Dividend Basics?. Dividends can be an important part of creating a passive stream of income for the investor. Your dividend-paying companies will, hopefully, pay a steady stream of income with the potential for growth over time.
Matt at RamblingFever Money gives us ?Mutual Funds Explained for Dummies?. If you have a 401k through your employer, you probably have money invested in mutual funds. Whether you knew it or not, you are mutually funding an investment that is managed by somebody else. Many believe mutual fund investing to be the safest and most secure way to invest in the stock market.
(Editor?s Note: I disagree with Matt and have left a comment on his post)
Pat Huddleston at Investor?s Watchblog submitted ?For the Love of God, Do Not Let Your Broker Choose Your Investment Objectives! Warning to all investors?you will see that paperwork again when the broker has drained your account through horribly risky investments that paid the broker huge commissions. ?
The AAAMP Blog submits ?Planning Investment Accounts for Retirement?. The benefits offered by retirement investment accounts make them an important foundation for retirement planning. Here are the major investment accounts for retirement.
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